“Tired of Losing Sales & Struggling With Confidence?

“Tired of Losing Sales & Struggling With Confidence?

In this unique, wealth-creating audio program, Tim Shurr reveals all the psychological and hypnotic secrets he's applied to sell millions of dollars in products and services in-person, on sales pages, and from the stage!

On Sale Today - $197 (Reg $347)

Here's Some of What You'll Learn In This Extraordinary Audio Sales Course!



Differentiate between "old school" selling and today's MORE EFFECTIVE Relationship-Based approach.

Psychological Tools


Load your toolbox with a set of proven, time-tested strategies that consistently close deals!

Advance Listening Skills


Utilize effective interviewing and listening techniques to quickly identify selling opportunities.

Build Trust & Make Friends!


Understand how your customers think, how to read and use body language to sell, and create INSTANT RAPPORT with anyone!

Improve Your Sales Timing


Identify buying signals, know exactly when to close the deal, and resolve customer resistance with confidence and ease.

Prevent Objections


Learn how your customer makes buying decisions and use this knowledge to increase conversions on sales pages.

Increase Your Revenue


Use Hypnosis language patterns and subconscious persuasion strategies to ethically get your customers to send you referrals

Guarantee Repeat Business


Position yourself as a solution provider and discover how to set yourself apart from the rest using storytelling and other tools.

Generate Future Sales


Easily increase referrals via testimonials, 5-Star ratings, and customer referrals by creating loyal fans who rave about you!

Enter your contact & payment information below and instantly receive your digital audio course

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Want To Be Paid Top Dollar For Your Wisdom And Expertise and Finally Earn What You're Worth?

Want To Be Paid Top Dollar For Your Wisdom And Expertise and Finally Earn What You're Worth?

     Thousands of talented, caring entrepreneurs, business, and sales professionals financially struggle, living paycheck to paycheck each year. Why? Because having passion and the desire to help others is simply not enough to build financial stability. You also need influential sales & marketing skills if you want to survive and thrive in our fast paced, ever-changing economy.

     When I first started out, my goal was to make the world a better place. Then I discovered three words that knocked me over. “Bills, Taxes, and Overhead.” Yes, I wanted to serve others, yet I also needed to pay my rent and eat. I still remember standing in my 400 sq ft, run-down apartment skipping meals because I didn't know how I was going to pay the gas bill.

     I was a good practitioner, and fairly good at selling since that's how I paid my way through school. Yet, I didn't have a consistent system for consistently generating revenue. As I got older, I knew I'd also have the financially responsibility of supporting others and I needed a better way to grow my business. Yet, I didn’t want to take high-pressure sales courses that taught how to be a pushy salesman.

     So, instead, I began investigating how people I admired had successfully grown their businesses. Why reinvent the wheel, right? I wanted the best strategies in the quickest amount of time because I wasn’t getting any younger and I needed to start earning serious cash immediately!

     What I learned surprised me. These people were the exact opposite of high-pressured, “used car salesmen.” They weren’t using slick, manipulative techniques to make customers buy their stuff. Nor were they being viewed as aggressive. Instead, they shared a common set of beliefs about money, selling, and their customers that I had not heard before. They also had very specific systems for connecting with others, moving through the sales process, creating staggeringly high close rates, and converting customers into friends.

     These top-earning professionals had uncovered a system for “selling through serving” that 80% of business people still aren’t using. They mastered persuasion strategies that created WIN-WIN situations. I used to think "persuasion" meant manipulating someone, but it doesn’t. Manipulation means you are out for your own interests. Persuasion means discovering what others really want and providing it to them through your goods/services in a way that creates success both of you.

     I kept wondering why everyone wasn't employing these strategies, since they were HUGELY successful at converting more sales and creating more friends. Well, the biggest reason is that most are unaware of these principles. The sad fact is most entrepreneurs and sales professionals are not taking the time to educate themselves in the art of relationship-based selling. They rely on their outgoing personality or the product they offer to do the job. Instead of equipping yourself with a proven system for converting prospects into high-value customers, most just keep winging it, which likely means you're leaving thousands of dollars on the table every single month!

     The second reason is EGO. Instead of admitting you could use some help, people let their pride or insecurity get in the way. Many years ago, I listened to a multi-million dollar sales trainer say something that has stuck with me to this day. She said, “Check your Ego with your bank account!” It was a direct challenge to those in the audience who were questioning (judging) her advice when she had generated millions from her tips and they hadn't. That really stung at the time. My Ego wanted me to think that I already knew all this stuff, so I really didn’t need it (or her). Then another bill would show up, reminding me that maybe I did.

     Several years ago, people started asking me for advice on how to grow their sales because I ended up selling millions of dollars worth of services using the insights and strategies I've put into the Sales Mastery course. It was one of those strange "circle-of-life" moments. That’s when I decided to dig through all my journals and organize the notes I had taken from those brilliant men and women who are some of the most successful sales professionals in the world. Yet, I also wanted to include my own system of "influencing with integrity" that I had developed over two decades, that allowed me to become a top earner in my profession.

     Thus, I combined the foundational selling strategies of the masters with my own relationship-building and non-verbal communication skills to bring you a complete system for growing your impact, clientele, and profitability through Sales Mastery!

All The Sales Training Ever Needed In This Course!

  • ​A series of step-by-step processes for quickly connecting with any personality type, establishing trust, identifying wants/needs/values/desires, and significantly increasing your conversion rate.

  • ​Learn the psychology of buying and selling, multi-billion dollar sales formulas, how to read and use body language to increase sales, and little known secrets for dramatically increasing your "charm-factor."

  • ​Tips for overcoming objections before they arise so you don’t hear, “Let me think about it” or “I need to discuss this with my spouse.“

  • ​How to build your confidence so you come across congruent and secure as you take a stand for your customer. You’ll know how to identify buying signals and exactly when to close. Many sales people don’t know when to be quiet and literally talk their customer out of buying!

  • ​You’ll also uncover hidden customer resistance and resolve those issues in a comfortable manner that prompts your customers to close the deal for you. 

  • ​Classic sales closes from some of the best sales professionals of the 20th century. Of course, when you follow the advice in the first portion of the program, you won’t need killer closes. The deal will happen naturally and it will feel good for everyone.

  • ​Guarantee repeat business through positioning yourself as a solution-provider & trusted advisor.

  • ​Easily generation future sales via customer referrals and testimonials.

  • ​Dozens of smart ideas for standing out and apart from competitors, and so much more!

Start Building Your Empire Today!

     This wealth-building sales training course can help you become a Top Producer in your industry. Follow the advice, tactics, and mind-expanding strategies and you’ll be jumping up and down from all the money you can make! 

The Relationship-based selling process has been broken down into easy exercises you can benefit from immediately. In fact, the priceless information you’ll learn in the first 20-minutes has literally doubled the income for some of my clients. I hope it will do the same for you!

     This course offers you secrets to skyrocketing your sales through serving others. Regardless of your profession, those who know how to sell and influence people always rise to the top. You will learn how to apply the skills associated with each step of the sales cycle immediately, so you can increase sales right away!

     You will develop the attitude and habits of the world’s most successful sales professionals so you can join them. Feel confident in front of new customers and know how to make people want to do business with you. Dozens of persuasion techniques for powerfully influencing anyone are included and the material is delivered in a fun, empowering way!

     Through this audio coaching course, I will personally coach you, so you’re able to reach your FULL potential. Every lesson is delivered in audio format, so you can go through the material on the go! Who has time to read a bunch of sales training manuals, right?

     Stop leaving thousands of dollars on the table and wasting time on self-doubt or ineffective methods! Begin this course today and let’s get started with your training. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, so take this shot and you’ll be glad you did.

     Besides, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain because this course comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

     Also because this is an online coaching course, there's nothing to mail back if you're not completely satisfied. I'm taking all the risk because I know you will greatly benefit from the wisdom and tools within Sales Mastery!

Enroll now and I'll meet you in the first coaching session.

Tim Shurr, MA

President, Shurr Success, Inc.

Ready To Take Your Business To the Next Level?

 “I heard about Tim Shurr from the #1 loan officer in our region who happened to be a client of his. Then I had the opportunity to see Tim live at one of our company sales rallies. After my first 12 weeks of having Tim as my coach, my production has increased by 500%.

 Most importantly, I have changed as a person. My confidence has increased, I respond better to stress, and I am truly happier and enjoy life much more than I did 12 weeks earlier. The lessons learned from Tim will not only increase your business, they also help improve every area of your life. Soon you’ll realize your life has begun to change and your dreams can come true!” 

Marty Walker, President, The Loan Ranch

  "A couple of years ago, Tim spoke to a business group I was forming and I purchased his Sales Mastery program. After listening to it over a long car ride, I was blown away at how much I DIDN'T know about sales! Since I was in the business, I felt incredibly fortunate to have this valuable information at hand! 

I've poured over the recordings several times and feel confident my business will grow in leaps and bounds because of this knowledge that Tim shared in such a simple and practical way. Since we are all either buying or selling something, these principles apply to everyone! Run, don't walk, to purchase this program!" 

Laurie Sparks, Business Owner

“Tim provides amazing information that you can use RIGHT NOW to start empowering your life. I know that for me, I will see benefits for my business immediately.” 

Michael Joesten, Chair at Vistage Intl.

“This event really opened my eyes on how to overcome my personal barricades in sales. I have a tendency to be shy, with the tools taught to me, I feel like I can overcome this now. I now look forward to bettering myself and my profession.” Todd Veden, Tudor Services
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Individual Results Will Vary. Shurr Success, Inc. makes no promises that you will benefit in any way using the information in this course. Your results will be determined by your efforts. See our terms and policies for more information.