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"The EASIEST Way To Stop Smoking Without Nagging Cravings, Painful Withdrawal, Or Weight Gain!"


"Take Back Your Health, Ability To Breathe, Money & Freedom!"

Are you ready to BREAK FREE from cigarettes, vaping, chewing tobacco, and pot by using our proven Hypnosis system that gently transitions your brain back to its original program of being a non-smoker?

Stop struggling with willpower and ineffective approaches. 

Smoking is more of an emotional habit than a physical addiction. Medication, patches, nicotine gums, and going "cold turkey" do not change emotional habits. Nor do they teach you what to do instead of smoking when you're stressed or bored. That's why those approaches have a 20% success rate.

Indy Hypnosis has helped thousands of people successfully stop smoking, break bad habits, and lower stress since 1995 with a 95% Success Rate! 

Give Us A Call: 877-944-4673

How Much Money Are You Spending To Poison Yourself?

According to the National Cancer Institute, the average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $6.28, which means a pack-a-day habit sets you back $188 per month or $2,292 per year.

1 Pack A Day Over 10 Years = $22,920

2 Packs A Day Over 10 Years = $45,840

3 Packs A Day Over 10 Years = $68,760

Our average client has smoked for over 35 years.

If cigarettes were only $4 a pack, you'd spend over $51,100 over 35 years!

*This does NOT include the higher premiums you are paying for health, auto, home, and life insurance. Throw out the idea that you can't afford this program. It's MORE expensive not to enroll in our smoking cessation program.

"Our programs will save you a fortune, while saving your life!"

Call your insurance company to see if they cover 'smoking aids?" Even if they don't, you're lighting your money on fire every day! 

"I am a 34-year-old woman who had smoked for a little over 17 years. I came to Indy Hypnosis in hopes to simply quit smoking but what I received was far greater than I could have even imagined! First of all, I quit smoking after the very first session! (Which was nothing short of AMAZING! Also, I received a boost in self-confidence, help with my anxiety and depression, and an increase in weight loss too! This is the greatest program! I’m so thankful for coming here!"-Anne Perkinson

2 Approaches To Help You Succeed!

Which program is best for you?

Private Sessions With Tim Shurr

A Unique Opportunity To Work With The World's Top Hypnosis Coach. For Those Who Need The Fastest Results Possible!

Private Coaching - $997

Online DIY Hypnosis Program

An Affordable Do-It-Yourself Approach That You Can Begin Right Now With Lifetime Reinforcement! This Option Saves You Thousands of Dollars!

Today Only $197 (Reg $247)

"Eliminate The Smell, Fatigue, Expense & Health Risks of Smoking"

You will be led step-by-step, either virtually or via private coaching sessions, through the countries #1 Hypnosis Smoking Cessation program that's been refined over the last 26 years!

This Relaxing Hypnosis Program Will: 

1) Recharge your batteries, 

2) Melt away cravings and urges, 

3) Lower withdrawal, 

4) Train your Subconscious Mind to revert back to being a NON-smoker, 

5) Provide you with tools and a plan for removing cigarettes from your life, 

6) Help you establish healthier coping strategies,

7) Increase your desire for healthy eating and wellness-boosting activities.

You'll get past any challenges, learn powerful stress reduction techniques, and discover more secrets for remaining a NON-smoker!

In addition, you'll also receive Hypnosis Audio Reinforcement Programs and Resources for maintaining your empowering results!

Here's what Your neighbors Are Saying...

"Jessica Made Her Family More Important 

Than Smoking!"

Hospice Nurse Stops Smoking After Seeing What Happens To Smokers!

Steve Breaks 48-Year Smoking Habit & Saves A Fortune!

Tim Finally Regained Freedom From Smoking After 35 Years!"

"I came to Tim Shurr to quit smoking. I smoked for over 25 years. I’m happy top say that I am a non-smoker. This method really works!"  - Dianne Markovich

"I quit smoking at Indy Hypnosis. They do miracles there!" - Crystal McKenzie

“I'm a professional driver and I'd get terrible urges to smoking on the road. Yet, after 1o years of smoking, I quit using this program!" - Joshua



"I smoked for 25 years. After several unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking using gum, patches, and step down techniques, I finally gave up! Then I heard about Indy Hypnosis. Now I can confidently and positively say that I am a permanent non-smoker. Thank You!" Lana Bristow


"I smoked for 20 years and quit after the first session!" Mark Brooks


"I was a smoker for a very long time. Indy Hypnosis helped me change my life! I feel awesome! People comment about how free and happy I look. I plan a very long, enjoyable life that is free of poison from the cigarettes." Catherine Harper


"I smoked for over 20 years. I have not had a cigarette since my first session. I had tried Zyban and other methods in the past. I still can’t believe it was so easy and stress free!" Rick Bazant 


"I smoked 1-2 packs a day for over 20 years. I have not smoked since the first session. Like many people, I tried several times to quit. Along with his complete program, Tim has been a great help!" Mike V.


"After smoking over 50 years I have finally quit smoking! I quit after my first session of hypnosis. I sincerely thank Tim for his help and leading me to a healthier lifestyle." Darlene Urbanozyk


"After 38 years of smoking two packs a day and developing severe emphysema I finally did something about it. I’m more shocked than anyone that it worked. I have gone through tough time recently and I got through it without smoking! I can make it through anything as a non-smoker." Patti Coons


 "After 48 years of smoking I was able to completely walk away from cigarettes without fear. I don’t miss the smoke and even feel pride in not attending the smoke breaks. With 3 others smoking in the house I have influenced them to reduce their habits greatly. It is pretty amazing that I don’t feel any aggression or discomfort from withdraw. The (hypnosis) sessions have been the key to stopping." Randy Merritt


"I smoked for over 30 years, approximately a pack to a pack-and-half per day. I tried several times to quit, but always failed. After one visit with Tim, I lost the desire, craving, and need. After each session I felt more committed to being a non-smoker and felt better physically. Thank you Tim, for helping me achieve my goal!" Nancy Camp


"I tried to stop smoking many different ways and one of them worked. From the first day I was treated with hypnosis I haven’t smoked since. I don’t know how or why, but it works!" David Palm


“I had tried all the different methods available to quit smoking, but nothing worked. I always returned to smoking. After my 1st visit getting hypnosis I have barely had a craving at all. I feel energetic and much better! I didn’t realize how cigarettes controlled my life! I would “freak out” if I didn’t have them when I left the house, well no longer does this happen! I am free and am very happy to be a non-smoker! It worked for me and am very confident it will work for anybody.” Rich Wait


"This is a Godsend. I have smoked for 20+ years. I have tried everything on the market to quit. Nothing worked. Then I found Indy Hypnosis. To me, this a miracle. I no longer smoke and don’t have a desire to. I greatly recommend Indy Hypnosis for anyone who wants to quit." It works. Glenn Newnum


"I came in a 2 pack a day smoker. After three short session I am free of smoking and a better person for it." James Winskii


"My name is Courtney and I am 35 years old, and I had smoked since I was 17 years old. I came to my first session, but I wasn’t able to make the second session until 3 weeks later… the second session and the reinforcement CDs were the key for me. I have been a non-smoker for 7 days now, and I feel wonderful!! My next goal is to get my husband in here and save a BUNCH of money!!" Courtney Cooper


"I have more energy, time, money and feeling of accomplishment since Indy Hypnosis gave all the tools, drive, and desire to get healthy and stay healthy by quitting my 40-year smoking addiction. Thank you!" John Rumschlag


"I have gone through a pack a day and two cans of chewing tobacco a day for a lot of years and tried everything to quit and nothing worked. Then I heard about Indy Hypnosis and quit after my first session. I am now saving $15 dollars a day." Michael Shane Bangle


"I quit smoking after the first session and I feel great. It is nice to be smoke free." John Kimble


"I found this program to be very effective. I came in needing help with giving up smoking. After 3 sessions, I am no longer smoking. All of the people helping me have been great. I would recommend this to anyone who is struggling to stop on their own." Mark Shoemake


"I have smoked on and off for 42 years since the Navy. Now I'm done." Michael L. Nolan


"My name is Itmar Cohen, 37 from Indianapolis. I have been smoking for 20 years and with Indy Hypnosis  and quit after my first session. Definitely worth trying." Itmar Cohen


"Amy from Greencastle, I smoked 16 years. I tried to quit with Chantix and was unsuccessful. Chantix made me mean, depressed and I still had horrible cravings. When my friends smoked it was so hard to be around them. I came to Indy Hypnosis and did the stop smoking program. After my first session I haven’t thought of smoking since. I did not have to suffer through the horrible cravings being with my friends while they smoke doesn’t bother me at all except for the smell!" Amy Carter


"I have been a smoker off and on for over 20 years. I have quit repeatedly and nothing worked. I skeptically tried hypnosis. It works! I have not had a cigarette in almost 2 weeks. And I feel great!" I am a non-smoker! Holly Pitcoch 


"My name is Jay. After 30 years I quit smoking through hypnosis. Much easier than I imagined. I feel better, cleaner and regaining energy I had lost. After 2 weeks, trust me. I have no anxiety, urges, sense of desperation. Nothing negative at all. I’m sure my smoking days are over. I have my freedom again." Jay Coons


"I have been amazed by the results of this program. I am not only a non smoker after 25 years of smoking but I am more patient and relaxed in everyday life. I have more patience with my children, when driving, and in any stressful situation. I feel healthier and I know know I am in control of my life. I may not have control of what happens in life but I do have control of my reactions. I have more energy and have more time to accomplish my daily tasks because I am not wasting my time smoking. The breathing techniques I have learned have been extremely helpful. I am so grateful to Indy Hypnosis for giving me my freedom back. I am no longer chained the wall of cigarettes." Sheathera Kennedy


"I am so excited to have achieved my goal with quitting smoking with just the first session. No more obsessing about cigarettes anymore. I feel so free." Theresa Charters 


"My name is Brenda Collins and I smoked for 30 years. My husband begged me to quit and I would try but never succeed. He sent me an email with an advertisement for Indy Hypnosis but I was very skeptical. I attended the first session and left not sure I wanted to quit but intent on trying. I scheduled my three sessions and each day I made it without a cigarette I felt more encouraged. I am one week smoke free today and can’t wait to be one year smoke free and I believe I can do this and I will succeed." Brenda Collins


"Indy Hypnosis did what they said they would, help me quit my tobacco habit. I have chewed for 27 years and smoked for 20 plus years. After my 1st session, I no longer had the urge to do either. They also helped me with my eating habits. Not only am I a non-smoker, I eat better and have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks. I feel better! This was a positive decision for me, and my family. I am glad I said yes!" Chad Walton


"My name is Pam Briscoe. I have been a smoker for 40 years. I came to Indy Hypnosis and on my first visit I became a believer. I quit smoking on my first session. I feel a lot better each day. By the way, I have been a non-smoker for 6 days and feel wonderful. I am happier and I am finally Free Of Tobacco. There is no looking back only moving forward. I have a new life and I’m going to enjoy it. Thank you, Indy Hypnosis." Pam Briscoe


"The tools provided by Indy Hypnosis were critical for my survival the last 3 months. I was fortunate enough to begin exactly when my life took a very dangerous turn. Very open minded and react to my individual fluctuations of growth. I don’t regret anything. I have returned to my original value system, home and life partner. I was off-kilter and scattered before and feel centered now. Also smoke-free." Timothy Leonard


"I like feeling healthy and free not having to worry that I might get caught smoking. No more sneaking around or “walking the dog”. No more worrying about smelling of smoke. The best is just being healthy." Deb Tanner


"I smoked for 28 years most of which I smoked 2 packs a day. After trying many different ways to quit with no success. I tried hypnosis. After my first session I have not had or desired a cigarette. I feel and smell so much better in just 2 weeks. I know I will not go back to a habit I tried to quit for many years." John Harris


40 years of smoking – Now a non smoker breathing fresh clean air- 24 hours a day!” Gary L. Mullins


"I have now quit smoking and know that if I keep working with myself I will be able to continue my goal to desire to live without the desire to smoke." Bill Scott


"I was very impressed with the professionalism of all persons associated with Indy Hypnosis. I would highly recommend the smoke cessation program to anyone wanting to quit smoking. Went from 2 packs a day to zero in one session with little or no withdrawal problems." William V.


"I am so excited that my hypnosis sessions have completely helped me to quit smoking. I have not smoked a cigarette since that day. I couldn’t be more happy with my success." Scott Szarny

 No Need For Willpower

Our time-tested ""Mind Training" Hypnosis Audio Sessions and proven "Success Strategies" help you feel emotionally confident & mentally prepared to become smoke free!

Award Winning Expertise

Tim Shurr, MA, CI, CH, is Founder of Indy Hypnosis and creator of the "Freedom From Smoking" program. He is an Award-Winning expert in Human Behavior, Hypnotherapy and Smoking Cessation and has hypnotized over 30,000 people from around the world! 

Protect Yourself From Relapse, Cravings & Weight Gain

This program includes tips, tricks, and easy-to-use tools to reduce stress, anxiety, self-sabotage, cravings, withdrawal & weight gain due to emotional eating!

Frequently Asked Questions


You will be taken through powerful Hypnosis sessions that have been refined over 26 years. These sessions have helped thousands of people attain their goal, and they will help YOU too! In addition to the Hypnosis sessions, you'll be provided with additional tools, resources, and tips for optimizing your success. You'll have a clear plan, support, and an increased desire to succeed that comes from going through hypnosis. 


Your mind to be "re-trained" to revert back to its original programming of breathing only breathes fresh, clean air. Every cell of your body knows how to be a non-smoker because that's how God made you. 


Oh, yes! It's getting a "mind massage." Most smokers have a difficult time relaxing. Even though you may reach for a smoke to "calm your nerves," the nicotine in cigarettes JACK UP your nervous system and increase both physical tension and the desire for another cigarette. The tobacco companies are evil geniuses. They know exactly how to enslave you with their product! But we will break you free...


Absolutely! Every session, you will enjoy the relaxing power of hypnosis to help you live a healthier lifestyle as a confident non-smoker. You'll also be able to re-experience the soothing relaxation whenever you desire since you'll have access to recorded Hypnosis audio session in both the DIY Online Course and the "Live" Private Coaching Program, depending on what you choose. 


The only time that doesn't happen is when someone flat out doesn't try to succeed. Typically, about 65% of people stop smoking after the first session. The rest "step down," which means they go from 2-3 packs down to 5 cigarettes. It can be physically challenging to go from 60 cigs down to zero, which is why we provide more than one session.  


We cannot guarantee what choices you will make. Currently, our clients have experienced a 90+% success rate, which is the highest anywhere in the world. We can guarantee you will be provided with the absolute best tools and support available to help you stop smoking. In comparison, nicotine pills and patches have a ~20% success rate.


First, nothing works 100% of the time because human beings have free will and other issues that interfere with their results. When things don't go as planned, it's usually because of two factors... 

1) The individual did NOT follow our program the way they've been instructed to. They will miss appointments, neglect to listen to their audio programs, or go against the advice given. We aren't sure why someone would pay for help and then not take it, but that happens on rare occasions. 

2) The person had other issues that should have been worked through prior to helping them stop smoking. For example, some clients with extreme anxiety or mental health challenges may wish to get this under control prior to stopping smoking. 

With that said, most of my clients deal with high levels of stress and are still successful using this program 90% of the time. Follow our suggestions and you'll be fine. 


We will provide you strategies for avoiding relapse. The hypnosis will also protect you from this. Of course, if you choose to return to smoking, that is a choice.

You will have your hypnosis audio programs, so if you do start up again, begin listening to your audio programs once more. If you need additional help, contact us and go through our program again to address the specific issues that caused you to light back up! Yes, you'll have to pay to go through the program again if you chose private coaching, yet the sessions will be different and customized based on your specific needs.


First, there MUST be a consequence for you, if you return to smoking. Otherwise, you'll tell yourself, "It's OK if I start up again because I can go see my hypnotist for free." That is a self-sabotage that we will not support.

Often people quit smoking because it's just too expensive. So, charging you again will help prevent you from going back to a dangerous, self-destructive habit.


Tim Shurr has hypnotized over 30,000 people and hasn't had an issue with getting people in the right state of mind. Besides, he uses more than just Hypnosis to produce amazing results, which is why he's regarded by many as the most successful Hypnosis Coach in the world.

Also, people naturally go in and out of Theta brainwave states (what we call "hypnosis" or "trance") throughout the day. Whenever you daydream, get stressed out, space off, or play images in your mind, you're in hypnosis. So everybody can do it. They just don't know it.


Yes they do and no you don't. Tim Shurr (your Hypnotist) has successful clients around the world and exclusively provides coaching sessions via the telephone, Zoom, and Facetime with a 90% success rate! Because you are laying down with your eyes closed during the Hypnosis session, as long as you can hear Tim's soothing voice, he will help you get results. If you absolutely have to be in the room with your Hypnotist, do a Google search and find somebody else to help you.


You can go through either of our programs at the same time with your spouse. S/he will also have to pay for the Private Coaching sessions, since they also pay thousands of dollars to smoke cigarettes.


YES! We made this program so everyone could achieve their desired results whenever they were ready. Millions of people need to stop smoking and there is only one Tim Shurr. So he put his best tools and success formulas into this online DIY (Do It Yourself) program. 


Yes, on a limited basis. If you absolutely need to quit smoking and you're willing to invest in private coaching to ensure you succeed, fill out an application to work privately with Tim. 


Many are concerned about cravings and physical withdrawal. Or, if they are going to become a raving lunatic and drive their family members crazy! Most physical withdrawal can be significantly reduced by using this program. You can't be physically tight and relaxed at the same time.

10% of clients experience challenging withdrawal symptoms, but it only lasts 2-3 days and then stops. 90% of clients have hardly any withdrawal, which is because of the hypnosis. If you are in that 10%, we have strategies to make you feel better anyway.


Only if you start eating a ton of unhealthy food. People don't usually gain weight because they stop smoking. It's because they switch bad habits and start stress eating because they haven't learned what else to do to comfort themselves. This entire program is designed to equip you with new ways to FEEL GOOD! So, no, you should not expect to gain weight.


Why is Disney World different from a local Carnival? For several reasons...

     1. Many of those traveling hypnotists aren't even practicing hypnotists. Social workers or salespeople will memorize a basic hypnosis script and put on a great performance, only to sell you $300 worth of garbage supplements at the end of the show that DO NOTHING to help you succeed. 

     2. Other groups come into town for one night and then THEY ARE GONE! It's a Hail-Mary pass. You get one shot with zero reinforcement and nobody to answer your questions. We've been in Indiana for 26 years and are headquartered in Indianapolis. We also answer the telephone and call you back when you need help. There's a reason why we have hundreds of testimonials and so many 5-Star Reviews. 

     3. They don't teach you how your mind functions and how to "train your brain" for success because they don't know themselves. They've learned to do some cool tricks to impress the audience and then provide aversion tools to basically "gross you out" of smoking. You don't need anyone telling you cigarettes will taste like dog sh&t because it won't stop you from lighting up in the parking lot after the program. 

     4. Some are able to achieve their goal with one session, yet the success rate is only around 15-20%, which is the same as using pills, patches or gums. Our Freedom From Smoking System produces consistently positive results for just about everyone. This program isn't for everyone. It may not be for you. It's only for those who are ready to stop smoking now. If you or your child needed a brain surgeon, would you seek out the cheapest one or the BEST in the country? We are the best.

Either program is significantly cheaper than what you are already spending to smoke! Most pack-a-day smokers spend over $2,500 a year on cigarettes, and that doesn't include the ADDED COST of health, car, medical, and auto insurance! If you tell yourself, "Yes, but it's a lot easier when you're only spending $5-$9 bucks a day." That thinking has kept many people broke. If you'd rather pay us $5 a day for the next 365 days instead of what we charge, we will accept that offer.


No. Many ex-smokers felt that way at one time. You've likely been smoking for decades and have unconsciously associated a lot of comfort to smoking. You might even "like it." Yet, start thinking of cigarettes like a friend from your past that you've outgrown. S/he and you had some great times, yet this person has become very bad for you and your loved ones. They steal your money, poison you, hurt your family, and attempt to keep you from breathing without struggle! Who needs a friend like that?

It's time to UPGRADE your friends and kick that poison to the curb! You're NOT losing anything. Actually, you are trading up to better friends. You'll learn new ways to feel so good on the inside, you don't need drugs to make you feel better.


Call or email. (877-944-4673) Locally (317) 502-5293  EMAIL US

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Indyhypnosis.com - © 2022, Shurr Success, Inc. All Rights Reserved - Terms Of Service -  Disclaimer

Individual Results Will Vary. All testimonials are from real clients of Indy Hypnosis and have used the in-person and online smoking cessation programs.
For more information, please review our Disclaimer.