Programs For Those Who Want Results Now...

In A Rut? Lost Your Confidence?

Get Out of A Slump, Regain Your Confidence & Play Like A Champion Using This Proven Sports Hypnosis Program!

Gain Incredible Peak Performance Strategies Used By Olympic & Pro Athletes To Get You Mentally Back In The Zone!

Perfect For Top Athletes of All Ages Including Middle, High School & College. 

On Sale Today - $94.99 (Reg $125)

Proven Results For Any Sport From Baseball and Wrestling To Competitive Cheer, Golf and Racing!

Peak Performance

(Brain Software)

 Teaches the latest guided imagery techniques for elite performance.

The Mental Edge

(Brain Software)

Gives you laser focus and the ability to concentrate under extreme pressure

Playing To Win

(Brain Software)

Delivers confidence-boosting suggestions for maximizing your skills and strengthening your desire to win!

In The Zone

(Brain Software For The Road)

Get personally fired up by one of the countries leading motivational speakers, Tim Shurr! This program utilizes high-energy affirmations that can be listened to any time, anywhere!


Great athletes realize how important their mental attitude is. You’ve got to master the “inner game” if you’re going to excel in sports.

Olympic athletes and top professionals repeatedly condition themselves mentally as well as physically. Once you’ve got the mechanics down, the rest happens in your head!

Playing Like A Champion has been specially designed for teen athletes who have great talent and skill, yet are struggling with the pressures that come with an intensely competitive environment.

This special boxset includes 3 peak performance HYPNOSIS sessions that lead you through a variety of "mind-training" experiences designed to unleash your full potential. 

This program ALSO includes a BONUS Affirmation session for getting psyched-up and in the zone before the big game or competition!

Whether your game is golf, gymnastics, baseball, basketball, football, wrestling, swimming, equestrian sports, etc.s, Playing Like A Champion will give you the mental edge that pays off for a lifetime!

It’s also great for taking pressure off and reducing stress. Many of our athletes have been rising stars who’ve had difficulty handling the media exposure. Others were injured and had a challenging time getting back in the zone. If this is you, Playing Like A Champion and you’ll quickly find your groove!

How This Program Works

Use this specially designed “Brain Software” Hypnosis program to transform the quality of your game almost instantly! These powerful sports psychology hypnosis sessions will ease you into a deeply relaxed state and then feed your Subconscious mind result-producing affirmations and imagery.

These empowering suggestions have been used in thousands of hypnosis sessions and have a proven track record! For BEST results, listen to at least one of the hypnosis sessions daily for 3 weeks and then prior to any game, conference, competition, or camp.

Playing Like A Champion incorporates self-hypnosis, guided imagery, anchoring, and affirmations to optimize your mental performance.  

WARNING! Never listen to these sessions while driving. They are designed to listen to with your eyes closed. These sessions are 100% safe, great for teens, and they improve self-confidence on and off the mat/field/course/pool/track.

“Brain Software For The Road” incorporates positive affirmations and high-energy motivation to psyche you up and get you in Peak State so you can perform at your very best! It will feel like award-winning motivational speaker, Tim Shurr, is right there with you, encouraging you on and preparing you to WIN! 

The Affirmation program is designed so you can listen to it any time. Listen to this on your Smartphone prior to the game and EXCEL your performance!

You will have immediate access to your audio programs after purchase. A link will be provided for you to download all 4 programs to your Smartphone, Ipad, computer, or any mp3 device. Click the button below to begin playing like a champion.

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If You Had A Traumatic Injury, Please Read...

Many parents have brought their high-performing teen athlete in because, for example, their daughter had lost her confidence in tumbling after falling or getting injured. To help overcome those lingering traumatic effects, you may also want to invest in the Freedom From Fear audio program. 

The Freedom From Fear program will help alleviate the fears and embarrassment your teen may be facing. The tools and resources in the Playing Like A Champion program will then accelerate their confidence, focus, and motivation to compete, win, and excel!

This approach will also help your teen learn how to effectively cope with adversity. Plus, it provides tools and a mindset that will allow them to thrive later on in life as well. You've been supporting them their whole life. These programs are one more way you can provide your child with every advantage and opportunity to reach their fullest potential!

If you have questions, contact our office. (877) 944-4673 - © 2022, Shurr Success, Inc. All Rights Reserved - Terms Of Service -  Disclaimer

Individual Results Will Vary.