Programs For Those Who Want Results Now...

Eliminate Panic Attacks, Anxiety & Fear!

You Will Find Quick, Lasting Relief from Any Type of Fear-Based Reactions Including Panic Attacks, General Anxiety, Fear of Flying, Fear of Driving on Highways or Over Bridges, White-Coat Syndrome, Swallowing Pills, Environmental Sensitivities, etc.

"Train Your Brain" To Experience More Calm, Confidence, and Inner Peace.

On Sale Today - $94.99 (Reg $125)

What You'll Gain from This Digital Download Audio Course

Remove anxiety triggers #1

Disconnect the sensitive "anxiety triggers" that make you feel sick to your stomach.

 Build confidence


Create new feelings of calm, confidence & inner peace with the empowering Hypnosis sessions.

Feel calm & resourceful #3

Feel more calm and resourceful in situations that normally make you want to hide in bed!

Gently Release Past trauma


It's not the experiences you went through, but the beliefs that formed in your unconscious mind that continue to hold you back. This program upgrades those beliefs and frees you from the past.

Take Charge of Your Mind


Resolve unconscious conflicts that prevent you from feeling happier and more secure in any situation. Receive a new set of powerful "Mind Tools" for taking charge in any situation!


Panic and anxiety are you body's way of protecting you from perceived pain. When something occurs that your brain believes could be harmful to you, it triggers the fight-or-flight response in your body. Adrenaline is released which creates all the physical symptoms you experience as anxiety or PTSD.

Once this unconscious mental association has been established, anything that remotely resembles "danger" will trigger the fear-response within you. This program is designed to disconnect that brain-trigger, so you now feel neutral in situations that used to be stressful and overwhelming

Tim Shurr, MA

Anxiety is horrible and I struggled with it most of my life. Because I was so desperate to find relief, I went on a 28-year journey to figure out how to FEEL SAFE & CONFIDENT, regardless of what I was going through.

Eventually, I found the answers. Actually, a WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM. I started sharing these powerful "mind tools" and insights with thousands of people and the experience FREED THEM from fear as well!

Too many of us experience NEEDLESS EMOTIONAL SUFFERING. If you're reading this, YOU are probably struggling with this as well. But not for long...

This instant-access program uses the best tools available to begin giving you RELIEF TODAY!

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Individual Results Will Vary.